“The name HCI Lab is in fact too big for our small lab. Among various areas in HCI, we mainly work on new interaction techniques for new types of computers. While we are a Computer Science lab, we also make new hardware and hack existing hardware to explore design possibilities that go beyond the constraints of current hardware. Our present focus is on the new user interface problems introduced by new computing gadgets such as smartphones and smart TVs…”
– From the Day in the Lab column of February-March 2015 issue of ACM Interactions.
Room 722, N1 building, KAIST
291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon
Republic of Korea
If you have questions, please contact
Geehyuk Lee: geehyuk@kaist.ac.kr
Yeonsu Kim: yeonsu.kim@kaist.ac.kr