STButton got a Jury Honorable Mention Award at CHI 2024!

STButton got a Jury Honorable Mention Award at CHI 2024!

An interactivity demonstration from our lab, STButton: Exploring Opportunities for Buttons with Spatio-Temporal Tactile Output, performed by Yeonsu at CHI’24...

Sunbum Kim presents “Pressure-Based Menu Selection on a Spherical Tangible Device” at CHI 2024 (LBW).

A paper “Pressure-Based Menu Selection on a Spherical Tangible Device” will be presented at ACM CHI 2024 as a poster...

Taejun Kim presents “QuadStretcher: A Forearm-Worn Skin Stretch Display for Bare-Hand Interaction in AR/VR” at CHI 2024.

A paper “QuadStretcher: A Forearm-Worn Skin Stretch Display for Bare-Hand Interaction in AR/VR” will be presented at ACM CHI 2024.

Sunbum presents “Evaluating an In-Hand Ball-Shaped Controller for Object Manipulation in Virtual Reality” at IEEE VR 2024.

The paper “Evaluating an In-Hand Ball-Shaped Controller for Object Manipulation in Virtual Reality” is presented at IEEE VR 2024, which...

Youngbo presents ExpanStick at CHI Play 2023.

The paper “ExpanStick”, which was the second part of Dr. Shim’s PhD thesis, is presented at CHI Play 2023, which...

Sunbum presents “Virtual Trackball on VR Controller” at CHI 2023 (LBW).

This paper explores the possibility of the well-known virtual trackball techniques (Arcball and Two-axis Valuator) using the touchpad embedded in...

Jisu presents HapticPalmrest at CHI 2023 (LBW).

Jisu Yim presents HapticPalmrest, which was the results of her undergraduate independent study, at CHI 2023 as a poster (LBW).

TouchWheel is published online in IJHCI.

TouchWheel is a mouse wheel augmented with touch-sensitivity. With touch-sensitivity, users can use a flick operation on the mouse wheel...

Taejun Kim won 2022 Naver Ph.D. fellowship

Taejun Kim received 2022 Naver Ph.D. Fellowship (5,000,000 KRW). Naver Ph.D. fellowship award is given to outstanding CS Ph.D. students who...

“WristMenu with Tactons” is accepted for IJHCI

“WristMenu with Tactons” is accepted for IJHCI

Eunhye Youn, Taejun Kim, Geehyuk Lee, WristMenu with Tactons: An Eyes- and Ears-free Menu with Tactons Describing Menu Items In...